[per-spek-tiv] by Pop Up Concepts
Beirut, Gemmayzeh, Pasteur Street, Casia Bldg, Ground Floor
Pop Up Concepts opened its doors in 2012,& launched our Flagship Store in 2018.Our aim is to introduce upcoming and high-end brands from around the world,by injecting dynamism around a speci c identity of unconventional street-wear,foot-wear,jewelry & accessories re ective of those looking for a lifestyle as opposed to a product.Our Flagship Store was designed by one of Lebanon’s renowned architects,our interior combines the grunge of a construction site merged with a high-end boutique.
Soha will be exhibiting photographs shot by her, depicting iconic areas/sceneries of the typical nostalgic Beirut.
As for Jules, he will be exhibiting art and design pieces created by himself and making use of vintage items and icons, reminding us of the old Beirut.
Pop Up Concepts will be collaborating with two Lebanese designers:
1- Soha Ghandour, who happens to be a self taught Lebanese photographer. She developed an interest in photography in 2016 when she strongly started noticing the difference surroundings around her in Beirut. From physical structures, to street, people & moments of everyday life.
2- Jules Bakhos, attracted to art since his young age, succeeded to develop his talent through his studies and personal unique projects. In a superposition of multiple pop culture medias, he creates a tiny world for each topic expressed.
Pop Up Concepts opened its doors in 2012,& launched our Flagship Store in 2018.Our aim is to introduce upcoming and high-end brands from around the world,by injecting dynamism around a speci c identity of unconventional street-wear,foot-wear,jewelry & accessories re ective of those looking for a lifestyle as opposed to a product.Our Flagship Store was designed by one of Lebanon’s renowned architects,our interior combines the grunge of a construction site merged with a high-end boutique.
Soha will be exhibiting photographs shot by her, depicting iconic areas/sceneries of the typical nostalgic Beirut.
As for Jules, he will be exhibiting art and design pieces created by himself and making use of vintage items and icons, reminding us of the old Beirut.
Pop Up Concepts will be collaborating with two Lebanese designers:
1- Soha Ghandour, who happens to be a self taught Lebanese photographer. She developed an interest in photography in 2016 when she strongly started noticing the difference surroundings around her in Beirut. From physical structures, to street, people & moments of everyday life.
2- Jules Bakhos, attracted to art since his young age, succeeded to develop his talent through his studies and personal unique projects. In a superposition of multiple pop culture medias, he creates a tiny world for each topic expressed.
From date
03/07/2019 17:00:00
To date
03/07/2019 22:00:00